
The Lotus Awards


Celebrating the Transformation From Martyr to Model

The Lotus Award marks the completion of the Balance Success Path. Once you earn it, you’re eligible to join our higher level programs to create deeper, more connected relationships with your kids, partner and with yourself - as well as coach other moms.

Meet Our Lotus Award Recipients

I Am Able To Have Difficult Conversations That Once Scared Me!

"My relationship with my kids has improved. I am asking them more questions and learning who they are and what makes them, them. I am able to drill down to the real problem when they are upset or angry. I am a much calmer parent. I am now able to set boundaries for myself where I wasn't comfortable with that before, for fear of "letting them down". I am able to have difficult conversations that once scared me for fear of what that person would think of me. I have discovered that I can do hard things and embrace the messiness to be the person I want to be."

Anne S.

Achieved: October 2024

I Have Meaningful Conversations With My Kids!

I used to feel constantly exhausted and like I was failing, with my home filled with conflict and frustration. My husband and I were both yelling at our kids, feeling helpless. Through the program, I learned that building relationships and using positive reinforcement worked far better than punishment. Now, I have more meaningful conversations with my kids, and we make decisions together about chores and routines. I’ve stopped being so hard on myself, accepting my limits and prioritizing my well-being. I’m much more positive, and I’ve realized that I’m capable of great things, including motherhood. I feel empowered to embrace who I am, and I’m proud of the life I’m creating.

Rachel K.

Achieved: August 2024

I Ask For Help Without Feeling Guilty!

I used to feel like I had no control over my family’s situation and was doing everything with little buy-in from anyone else. I kept quiet about joining Balance, feeling embarrassed that I needed help, but the program normalized asking for support. My biggest realization was that I can’t do everything as a parent, and that’s okay. Now, my kids are more involved in chores, and I’ve learned how to set boundaries and ask for help without feeling guilty. I’ve also accepted my limits and discovered that I’m capable of so much more than I realized. I’m working toward my BHAG of becoming a competent DIYer, and I feel empowered both at home and in my relationships with my family.

Amanda M.

Achieved: April 2024

We've Created A Family System Where Everyone Contributes!

Looking back at where I started, I’m filled with emotions—both chuckles and tears of appreciation. During Covid, with all the uncertainty, I felt unsure as a mom, wife, and woman. Balance helped me understand that I didn’t have to do everything myself, and it gave me the tools to become a calmer, more compassionate parent. I’ve learned to let go of micromanaging, to give my kids space, and to focus on connection rather than control. We’ve created a family system where everyone contributes, and it’s been a game-changer. I’ve also prioritized my health and found time for myself, realizing how vital it is to protect my ‘unicorn time.’ Balance didn’t just help me manage my family—it’s helped me find my own voice and confidence in setting boundaries and tackling hard conversations with ease.

Kim B.

Achieved: April 2024

I Communicate Better With My Family!

Before Balance, I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and like I was living in chaos. I blamed my family for my unhappiness and often felt like a failure. But through the program, I learned how to calm myself, set boundaries, and prioritize my own well-being. Now, I communicate better with my family, guiding them through challenges without assuming or blaming. We have deeper conversations, and I’m more patient and understanding. I’ve also learned to be kinder to myself, focusing on progress rather than perfection. Each day is a step forward, and I’m growing alongside my family.

Terri D.

Achieved: April 2024

Now, My Family Works as a Team!

Before Balance, I felt completely overwhelmed, managing everything at home on my own and losing my temper with my kids.  But through the program, I learned how to stay calm and delegate chores, and now my family works together as a team. I have time for myself, whether it's meditation or a quick exercise, and I’ve become more organized, making sure to plan my days with intention. 

Angela H.

Achieved: April 2024

I Quieted My Inner Critic!

I struggled to juggle work, home, and personal time, always feeling overwhelmed and never quite enough.
One of the biggest shifts for me was learning to quiet my inner critic and focus on my accomplishments instead of my to do list.  I’ve also become more patient with myself and my daughter, giving her space to express her feelings, which has strengthened our relationship.
​I’m pursuing becoming a SIFU title in Kung Fu, with renewed energy and spending more time on the things that make me truly happy."

Anne D.

Achieved: April 2024

My Self-Confidence Has Grown!

Before Balance, my life was chaotic, filled with stress and the fear I wasn’t a good enough mother. Defining my core values and creating my Life Timeline gave me the tools to become a more present and calm parent. My self-confidence has grown, and I’ve learned to set boundaries and focus on what truly matters. I’m pursuing my passion with a 2-year herbalism course, and I’m already making progress. The shift in my home is amazing—there’s more calm, joy, and connection—and I’ve found a supportive community that’s been a game-changer for me.

Rachel F.

Achieved: April 2024

I'm More Connected With My Kids!

Life felt overwhelming and out of control before I joined Balance. Managing everything on my own left me feeling disconnected from my family, especially after a recent move. Balance gave me practical tools, empathy, and a supportive community, allowing me to shift from reactive to responsive parenting. Now, I’m more connected with my kids, confident in my core values, and better at setting boundaries without guilt. I’ve even started two businesses and am learning the guitar. Balance has empowered me to focus on self-care, build mutual respect within my family, and keep growing personally and professionally.

Donna G.

Achieved: April 2024

I've Seen My Parenting Improve Drastically!

Before Balance, I felt lonely and burned out, handling all the housework and childcare by myself. My biggest ‘a-ha’ moment was realizing I needed to make myself a priority. I used to think being a good wife and mother meant putting everyone else’s needs first, but it only led to frustration and exhaustion. Now, I set boundaries, take care of myself, and have seen my parenting improve drastically. I’m calmer, I listen more, and I’ve created a space where my son feels comfortable coming to me with his problems. Balance has boosted my self-confidence, and I’m pursuing my goals with energy and focus. I’m even planning a girls’ weekend, something I’d never have done before! I’m so grateful for the progress I’ve made in my relationships with my family, and I feel more fulfilled and empowered than ever.

Liz H.

Achieved: April 2024

I've regained my confidence!

Before Balance, I felt like a failure—exhausted, overwhelmed, and stuck, unable to meet everyone’s needs at home and work. Balance helped me realize I’m not alone in my struggles, and it’s okay to focus on what I’m getting done, not just what’s left. Journaling my wins and setting boundaries have made a huge difference. I’m calmer now, asking my kids questions instead of reacting, and I’ve rediscovered my love for reading. Balance has helped me regain my confidence, and I’m making real progress in decluttering my home and life. I’m learning that change is possible, and I can still do hard things!

Ashley L.

Achieved: April 2024

I'm Smiling, Laughing, And Enjoying Life More!

Before Balance, life felt toxic, depressing, and lonely—I wanted to drive away from it all. My biggest ‘aha’ moment was realizing I’m not alone! I found my tribe of moms who understand and support me. Now, I’m calmer, my son is opening up to me, and I feel his love again. I’m smiling, laughing, and enjoying life more. I’ve discovered that I’m more than enough, and I’m doing an amazing job. I’m even working toward my BHAG of buying my first house! I’ve learned to delegate, prioritize myself, and I’m no longer overwhelmed. It feels amazing!

Alyssa C.

Achieved: April 2024